Business Advice

How to Interview a Virtual Assistant

In our rapidly digitizing world, businesses and entrepreneurs are increasingly relying on virtual assistants (VAs) to streamline operations and boost productivity. The VA role is dynamic, encompassing everything from calendar management and data entry to content creation and customer service. When considering a candidate for this pivotal role, it's essential to conduct a thorough and effective interview. Here's a guide to help you navigate the process.

Define the Role Clearly

Before beginning the interview process, have a clear understanding of:

  • The tasks the VA will be responsible for.

  • The software and tools they'll be using.

  • Expected working hours and time zones.

  • Any specific qualifications or skills required.

Opt for Video Interviews

Given a VA's job is inherently remote, it's beneficial to conduct the interview in a manner that reflects their day-to-day working environment. Video interviews will not only provide a face-to-face interaction but also give you a glimpse into their communication skills, professionalism, and tech-savviness.

Consider Using a Situational Interview Technique

By presenting candidates with hypothetical job-related situations, you can gauge a VA candidate’s real-world problem-solving abilities and thought processes. As highlighted in HubSpot's guide, these questions can predict future performance by assessing reactions to specific challenges. For a virtual assistant, this might involve scenarios like managing urgent tasks or addressing technical issues. This approach offers more than generic answers, providing actionable insights into a candidate's capabilities.

Test Their Technical Skills

Since VAs often work with various online tools, it's essential to gauge their technical proficiency. Consider:

  • Asking about their experience with platforms like Slack, Trello, Google Suite, and others relevant to your business.

  • Giving them a brief task to complete using one of these platforms.

Assess Their Communication Skills

For a VA, communication is key. During the interview:

  • Note their listening skills.

  • Pay attention to their clarity in answering questions.

  • Consider asking situational questions to gauge their problem-solving abilities.

Discuss Their Experience

Go beyond the resume. Dive deep into their:

  • Previous roles and how they relate to the VA position.

  • Challenges faced and how they overcame them.

  • Specific achievements that demonstrate their efficiency and dedication.

Gauge Their Proactiveness and Adaptability

A great VA will not just wait for instructions. They will:

  • Anticipate needs.

  • Suggest improvements.

  • Adapt to new tools and processes swiftly.

  • Pose hypothetical scenarios or share past challenges to see how they'd handle them.

Discuss Availability and Time Zones

Ensure their working hours align with yours, especially if they're located in a different time zone. This ensures smooth communication and task management.

Check References

When possible, contact previous employers or clients to:

  • Verify the authenticity of their claims.

  • Get feedback on their performance, reliability, and professionalism.

Trust Your Instincts

While skills and experience are vital, cultural fit is equally important. Trust your gut feeling about whether the candidate will integrate well with your team and work style.

Consider a Trial Period

Before committing long-term, consider offering a short trial period. This allows both you and the VA to gauge compatibility and ensures they can effectively handle the tasks assigned.

Final Thoughts

Hiring a virtual assistant can significantly impact your business's efficiency and growth. By following this guide, you can ensure you select the right candidate, setting the stage for a fruitful and lasting professional relationship. Remember, it's not just about hiring someone to do a job; it's about partnering with an individual who will actively contribute to your business's success.

Interested in hiring a VA? My BTLR can help. Contact us today to discuss your needs and learn more.

6 Ways to Make Your Life Easier Every Day

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to get lost in the chaos and forget about the simple things that can make our day-to-day existence a bit more manageable. A complicated life not only drains your energy but also takes a toll on your mental health. While we can't control all aspects of our lives, there are small, actionable steps we can take to make life easier and more enjoyable. Here are five ways to simplify your life and add a touch of ease to your everyday routine.

1. Plan Your Day the Night Before

The first step in making your life easier is planning. Take a few minutes every night to jot down the most important tasks for the following day. This could be anything from work assignments to household chores. A physical planner or digital app can serve as a useful tool for this.


  • Reduces Anxiety: Knowing what you need to do the next day can eliminate the morning scramble and decrease stress.

  • Improves Focus: A list of tasks allows you to prioritize, helping you concentrate on what's most important.

How to Implement:

  • Keep a notepad or your phone beside your bed.

  • Write down 3-5 tasks that are a must-do for the next day.

  • Review your list in the morning and start tackling tasks one by one.

2. Embrace the "Two-Minute Rule"

The "Two-Minute Rule" is a concept popularized by productivity guru David Allen. The rule is simple: if a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.


  • Less Procrastination: This rule helps you to take immediate action on tasks, reducing the chance of them piling up.

  • Increased Productivity: You'll be amazed at how many tasks can actually be completed in just two minutes or less.

How to Implement:

  • When a task comes up, evaluate the time it will take.

  • If it’s under two minutes, complete it right then and there.

3. Automate Repetitive Tasks

With advancements in technology, you can now automate various aspects of your life, from bill payments to grocery shopping.


  • Time-Saving: Automation can free up a considerable amount of your time.

  • Less Room for Error: Automated systems are less likely to make mistakes, reducing the chance of late payments or missed appointments.

How to Implement:

  • Set up automatic payments for bills.

  • Use online services for grocery shopping, with recurring orders for essentials.

4. Declutter Regularly

A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Take time each week to declutter your living and working spaces.


  • Enhanced Focus: A tidy environment can increase concentration and productivity.

  • Mental Clarity: Fewer items can lead to less stress and a clearer mind.

How to Implement:

  • Adopt the “One In, One Out” rule: For every new item you bring into a space, remove an old one.

  • Schedule a 15-minute decluttering session once a week.

5. Learn to Say No

The power of saying no cannot be overstated. By not overcommitting yourself, you can focus on what truly matters to you.


  • Less Stress: Overcommitment can lead to burnout and stress.

  • More Time for Yourself: Saying no frees up time for activities that bring joy and relaxation.

How to Implement:

  • Evaluate all opportunities and commitments against your personal and professional goals.

  • Politely decline offers or tasks that do not align with these goals.

6. Hire a Virtual Assistant

In today's interconnected world, you don't necessarily need to go through the traditional route of hiring an in-person assistant to make your life easier. Virtual assistants are a flexible and often cost-effective option for those looking to delegate tasks and focus on higher-priority activities.


  • Cost-Effective: Compared to a full-time, in-person assistant, a virtual assistant can be more affordable, especially if you only need help with specific tasks.

  • Flexibility: Virtual assistants often work on a flexible schedule, allowing you to delegate tasks as they come up without having to worry about traditional office hours.

  • Diverse Skill Set: Virtual assistants can offer a range of services, from email management and data entry to more specialized tasks like graphic design or social media management.

How to Implement:

  • Identify Your Needs: Before hiring a virtual assistant, make a list of tasks you would like to delegate. This will help you find a VA with the skill set that matches your requirements.

  • Research and Hire: Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and specialized VA agencies can help you find qualified candidates. Always check reviews and, if possible, conduct an interview before hiring.

  • Start Small: Initially, delegate a small number of tasks and monitor performance. This helps in building trust and understanding the workflow.

Hiring a virtual assistant can significantly lighten your daily load, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Whether it's personal tasks like scheduling and travel arrangements, or business-related activities like email management and data analysis, a VA can be a game-changer in making your life easier and more efficient.

32 Ideas for Your Small Business Blog

Blogging is an excellent way to engage with your audience, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and improve your website's SEO. However, coming up with fresh and engaging blog post ideas can be a challenge, especially when you're focused on running your small business.

No worries! In this blog post, we give you 32 ideas for your small business blog that will keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.

Business Basics

1. Why You Started Your Business: Share your journey and the passion that drove you to start your business.

2. Meet the Team: Introduce your staff members and their roles.

3. Day in the Life: A behind-the-scenes look at your business operations.

4. Industry Trends: Analysis of current trends in your industry.

5. Business Challenges: Discuss the challenges you've faced and how you overcame them.

Product or Service Spotlight

6. New Product Launch: Announce and describe a new product or service.

7. Product How-To Guide: Create a step-by-step guide on how to use one of your products or services.

8. Customer Testimonials: Share stories or interviews from satisfied customers.

9. FAQs: Answer frequently asked questions about your product or service.

Industry Expertise

10. Expert Interviews: Interview an expert in your industry.

11. Book Reviews: Review books that are relevant to your business.

12. Case Studies: Detailed analysis of specific projects or work you've completed.

13. How-To Guides: Detailed guides solving common problems in your industry.

Seasonal Ideas

14. Holiday Gift Guide: Tailored to your products or industry.

15. Summer/Winter Tips: Seasonal advice related to your industry.

16. Tax Season Tips: If applicable to your business.

17. Back-to-School Guide: Tailored advice for your industry.

Customer Engagement

18. Customer Spotlight: Feature a customer of the month.

19. User-Generated Content: Share photos or stories from your customers.

20. Polls and Surveys: Ask for customer feedback and share the results.

Content for Local Businesses

21. Local Events: Write about or review local events.

22. Local Business Reviews: Share your favorite local businesses.

23. Local Trends: What's popular locally that relates to your business?

Specialized Tips

24. Quick Tips: Short and useful tips related to your business.

25. Top 10 Lists: “Top 10 Ways to...” or “10 Things You Didn’t Know About…”.

26. Myth-Busting: Dispel common myths in your industry.

Advanced Strategies

27. Marketing Tips: Share what’s worked for you.

28. Social Media Best Practices: Tailored to your industry.

29. SEO Tips: Particularly useful if you're in the digital marketing space.


30. Quotes: Inspirational quotes related to business or your industry.

31. Podcast Recommendations: Useful for your audience.

32. Resource Lists: List of tools, apps, or resources your audience may find useful.

Final Thoughts

A blog can be a powerful tool for any small business. The trick is to keep it updated with fresh, relevant content. Hopefully, these 32 ideas will help you maintain an engaging and informative blog that your audience will love. Happy blogging!

Need help? My BTLR virtual assistants are experts in social media and content creation. Contact us today for a free consultation.