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How Going Virtual Can Improve Your Company Culture

A remote workforce doesn’t mean you can’t have a great company culture.

A remote workforce doesn’t mean you can’t have a great company culture.

The workplace has been transforming toward a more digital landscape in recent years, thanks largely to technological advancements. This presents great benefits for businesses, not only in improving their sales but also in creating a different company culture.

Today, with the internet and cloud computing, employees can work anywhere. Many employers are increasingly hiring remote workers and are transitioning into a virtual workplace. With that comes a couple of questions about how it can change the usual company culture developed in a physical office.

Here are some of the benefits of how virtual workplace can improve your company’s existing culture:

It Eliminates Commuting

Tens of millions of workers commute to their workplace every day. And, It takes an average of 30 minutes to one hour to reach their offices — and can take even longer, depending on the traffic situation. By the time they arrive at the office, they are likely stressed from the commute and are not immediately productive at work. Then, after work, the process starts all over again and they have to spend the same amount of time to get home — adding to even more stress. With a virtual workplace, your employees can work from home, which can improve the quality of their life and reduce their stress levels. The time saved from commuting can be used for other productive tasks instead.

It Provides Flexibility

Time flexibility is one of the benefits virtual workplace employees like best. They can go to a doctor’s appointment, take their kids to school, and run some errands while still being able to deliver what is expected of them from work. For employees with kids, it is a priceless benefit to be able to spend more time taking care of their children while still contributing to the family’s income. When employees are happy with their personal life, they can bring that joy into their work as they are inspired to perform at their best.

It Helps Your Company Become Green

Sustainability and going green are all the rage these days as we try to mitigate the effects of climate change. By setting up a virtual workplace, you can contribute to the environment. You cut the need to print papers, you don’t have to use air conditioning, and you save on gas for your car, among other things. You build a culture of good environmental stewardship.

It Helps Build a Foundation of Trust

When you can’t physically see your employees and monitor their every move, you need to be able to trust them — and a virtual workplace is built in that foundation. When your employees feel trusted, they perform better. They become more responsible and accountable, knowing that you rely on them to do their job well. They know their contributions to the company are of huge value. You know you have the best members of your company when you can depend on your virtual employees.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of going virtual to improve your company culture. It can improve the quality of life of your employees, which helps them make more valuable contributions to the company than ever.


Why You Should Hire a Remote Executive Assistant Over an In-house Employee


Not too long ago, the concept of remote working seemed rather alien. Most companies preferred to have their employees work onsite. They would rather hire and work with employees who can commit to being physically present.

With the many advancements in modern technology and changes in the business landscape, however, the concept of remote working has become a viable option now. In fact, some companies have realized there are many reasons why hiring remote workers would be a good idea.

One crucial role that’s perfect for remote workers is that of an executive assistant. Some people sign up to be administrative or virtual assistants working for their employers from a remote location. This setup appears to be catching on in the working world these days.

The question is, should you hire an executive assistant who works remotely or should you opt for an in-house employee instead? Below are four reasons why it’s best to choose a remote executive assistant instead.

  1. Top Talent

    In this day and age, you can expect to find a vast pool of applicants for any open positions. You can use the internet to get in touch with untapped talent with a lot of potential from anywhere in the world. We’re no longer restricted by geography. Employers and employees alike are very lucky that modern technology allows people to do business with each other even if they’re separated by thousands of miles.

    As an employer, this will allow you to hire a candidate who you feel has potential and who you want to work with in the future. You can be sure that you end up with someone who has the necessary expertise and skills to help your business. You can even try to hire someone who can specialize in a certain task.

  2. Productivity

    It has been said that working from home can help people get the job done. In fact, studies have shown that remote workers are more productive than in-house employees, particularly for the call center industry. Remote workers reportedly take fewer breaks, fewer sick days, and do more.

    Participants were also reported to have a high level of job satisfaction and improved the company’s retention. The same applies to businesses who have remote executive assistants. If there’s one thing you can expect from them, it’s the utmost productivity and efficiency.

  3. Employee Lifestyle and Engagement

    Research studies show that remote working is effective. There are various reasons why people prefer to work remotely. For one thing, they can avoid commuting. Apparently, more and more employees are finding it challenging to brave traffic in their respective cities and towns just to report for work. Thanks to remote working, they can rise above that predicament.

    Aside from this, there are plenty of benefits that come with working remotely. You can wear ultra-casual clothes, have healthy snacks, and enjoy the relative comfort of working from home. Such a set-up can lead to employee satisfaction and happiness. Furthermore, since there’s no physical connection, you can expect more employee engagement—albeit virtually.

  4. Cost-efficiency

    Finally, one thing that you can expect from remote working is cost-efficiency. If you hire a remote executive assistant, all you have to worry about is their salary. You need not worry about added benefits and all the usual perks given to employees. You don’t have to allocate money for their office supplies and such. You can save on utilities (lighting, heat and cooling, etc.), parking, snacks, beverages, meals, and other amenities such as on-site daycare.

If you’re looking for a professional VA to assist you, My BTLR is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help.
